Saturday, March 2, 2013

age 10 wish "I wanna be 20" Age 20 wish "I wanna BE 10!!"

Its a new month, starting off with a little bit of a vent and March's goals

but first here is what my normal day looks like

My normal day.

5:00 am- Alarm goes off
5:15 am- Out of bed getting ready to go to work or Gym on those days (3 days a week)
                        I've just stared the gym, never really done it before. For the last month I've been trying to make myself healthier so I hit the gym with my sister.
5:45 am to the gym we go
6:00 am work out!
7:15 am home, shower, get ready for work
8:15 am Leave for work
9:00 am Clock in
5:30 pm Clock out
6:00 pm finally home and eating dinner, trying to relax. Get clothes ready for the next day's Gym and Work adventure. Try to talk to my family.
7:00 pm if errands need to  be done now is the time! laundry, dishes, house time chores. This time is either rush rush rush or really calm neveer a happy medium
8:00 pm in bed
9:00 pm asleep

wake up and repeat....

I'm only 19 years old, turning 20 next month. I've started my first full time job 4 months ago and love where I work. Its harder then heck getting up every morning working Monday through Friday 9-5:30 it feels like I got thrown into adult hood so quick. I remember being 10 wishing I was 20... Now I just wanna be 10.
My main worries at 10 was my friend didn't talk to me at recess, or I have a spelling test on Friday. If I knew then being a grown up would be so hard I would have never wished for it to happen so fast.
My family told me- "Stop wishing your life away" "Your going to be grown before you know it". At age 10 I thought they were insane!! I just wanted to be big and be able to do things on my own... Well now I'm big, and I HAVE to do things on my own, no more want to there... instead I want worry about pig tales and coloring pages, best friend play dates and homework. Not get to worry about Relationships, Money, Lack of money, Never seeing my "friends" and a Job work, not just homework anymore.

 This is the first month I have ever had to think about stresses of adult hood it feels like. I'm needing to find my new Happy Medium in  life. I'm just not sure what to do next, I got the self esteem up with the gym so that's a positive, but now there is never enough time in the day!! 18 hours awake is not enough time to be able to be an adult and have a life as well. They didn't teach us (me at least) in school how to all of the sudden become an adult. It happened sooner then I had anticipated it happening. They didn't tell me that you would have no time for friends and sleep its a choice between the two never both....

Back on topic now.... FINDING A HAPPY MEDIUM is my March goal. 

February I did not have a computer, sorry for the delay in posts. I'll be back now.  This month is St. Patrick's  Day, luck of the Irish and has 5 weekends! Man, this is going to be a long month.
This month I am also planning for my birthday next month.

Goal list for March:
Find my Happy Medium
Work on my evening happy medium time
Go to Gym 3 days a week
Work on friendships and relationships.
MAKE THE TIME!! (thats the biggest one, Make time for myself and friends)
Learn how to manage being an adult

What are your March goals?

For March my Phrase this month is going to be "Must Succeed in all I do"

Happy March...


1 comment:

  1. Yay! Beautiful post! Congrats!! Sharing for sure!! Growing up sucks. Big fat monkey toes. Period. It's either all down hill from here or all up hill. You've got to decide. Are you looking to roll down the hill, crashing into various stones and getting stuck on boulders along the way or puttin' on your big girl panties, rolling up your sleeves and climbing that bitch! :D Love u sister! You are amazing!!
