Saturday, March 2, 2013

Same website, different day, Time to mix it up! Here are my Top 7!

The Internet… is it overwhelming? Is there never enough things to do? Or never enough time to do everything?

No matter what it is, have you ever found yourself not enjoying your web time? For me it seems to have nothing new to do. It’s inevitable we all use the same websites every day. It’s all about finding the happy medium in your web time & knowing how to use every site to your best advantage. Every day a new website, blog, or page is being posted & shared online, it’s easy to get caught up in old habits and not explore new sites (guilty) but make it a promise to yourself to find a new site every day.

Needless to say we all have our favorite or most visited sites. 
Sometimes it’s not a good time to do website usage but you can’t resist, Shhh don't tell, but I am one who is guilty of getting on "site time” when I shouldn't be.... some places I can think people might have a hard time doing it is; “Down” time at work, while your professor is in a lecture, or grabbing a cup of coffee with a parent or grandparent at lunch. Whichever it is for yo u I hope you enjoy my top 7 sites that I can't get enough of that I have to be sure to get in at least once a day!; as well as how I get the most use out of each site and what I enjoy about them.

Please feel free to share any of the sites or blogs you enjoy in the comments below, I would love to visit new websites any time no matter what they are  if they are a popular sites, a newly discovered site to you or if your site is still in the "construction zone" if you enjoy it its worth sharing. Same thing goes with blogs!

***Please note all the Blue website names are links to that site, it will not take you away from the blog but rather open a new web page for your convenience.****

~These are my websites that I visit daily or most of the time multiple times a day. ~

This website has so many features you can get almost anything you want or need shopping through Amazon.

    The main reason I visit Amazon website is for the Kindle Books. I own a Kindle Fire. It has benefited me in many ways by introducing me to a whole set of new books, apps, and websites.
One of my favorite features that Amazon has is the very user friendly search engine...
The Way I Make Most of the Search Engine for Amazon Kindle Books
Search titles >use the feature Lowest to highest >Amazon free app of the day everyday
> Key word searching >0.00, free kindle books, free, free books, free top books
I sometimes get super lucky and get new releases that cost $15.00 or more for FREE! In my Kindle collection I have over 200 books already downloaded to my Amazon Drive and so much more each day.
Even if you don't have a Kindle don't let yourself get discouraged!!!
You Can Get the Kindle App On
>your desktop computer >laptop >IPods > Android devices (the FREE Amazon Kindle App is located in Amazon app's.)
As a Kindle owner I love this feature for the fact that you can enjoy your books anywhere, anytime, on any device you have at the moment!

Videos, comedy, news, music, seminars, the search options are endless in YouTube!  

It’s a Worldwide Epidemic
Between the >local news and updates >national news >political topics >media debates & citizen opinions.   
In The YouTube Community There Is Never A Dull Moment.
Keeping up with the >celebrities >top music videos >comedy >debates >how to videos >National and local Vloggers (Video Blogs)  
Other Things You Can Do On YouTube
>post a video on advice regarding anything >electrical advice, life, spiritual, social, sociological advice,, relationship, future planning, home repairs, for that matter ANY repairs, daily life style, work out regimens, beauty, educational and so much more.   
>share videos to give to friends & family >Video Idea’s > Your cat being crazy, the dog playing in the swimming pool, your family or friends screaming on that super scary roller coaster THEY had to go on, prodigy’s of music videos, how to videos.
With opinions/debates being shared through videos regarding current events on the media and News
I am positive I will never get bored with this site!

Social Networking, a new way of communication and keeping up to date on everything happening with friends, family, community and the media.

Facebook is a very popular social networking community in which I am very guilty of spending too much time of my time on.....
Things Facebook I Use Facebook For
connect with friends & Family by >share photos >share events >make personal events and invite friends to >business networking >gaining friendships

Ever bored of the same things you get stuck in the website Rut, all you need to do is go stumble onto a new site just for you!
It’s a Quick and Easy Setup and Simple to Use
Select your favorite things, hobbies, interests, favorites; foods, animals, places, things, sports, news topics, books, movies
Then simply click STUMBLE! ~Wah-lah just like that you have a new website, video, or blogs
Search around on that website give it a thumbs up or thumbs downThen click Stumble and repeat!!!
The Reason I Got Referred To StumbleUpon;
Was I often got discouraged using same websites every day and feeling that I have done EVERYTHING online? I wondered how in the world people can spend hours online then never run out of things to do...
Just as I was getting into the website rut I got a reference to this site by an avid blogger,
As I experimented with this site I learned that I was wrong the whole time I thought I ran out of things to do it’s NOT TRUE there is so much more out there to the internet, with this site it’s easy and fun to find.
Things You Can Do With StumbleUpon Are Endless;
But a really great thing about this site IS FOR bloggers or anyone who has a website personal or a website or blog they enjoy visiting. You can add it to StumbleUpon then as other stumblers' are stumbling on new websites they will stumble onto your page!  

Blogging, Vlogs (Video Blog), Writing, Articles, Magazine's, or advice columns, no matter how you word it they all do the same thing. Bring people together regarding interests and topics to have discussions and learn new things through “strangers” experiences.

Blogging is a great way to build connections by being able to mingle in the networking world with many different people from many different places, about all different topics, through a style of social networks.
Additionally You Can Use It As
> journal > advice columns  >sharing topics of interest>sharing experiences from your life >outlet >work advice > “Adulthood” advice > relationship Topics, > ways to help deal with daily life
It’s a Great Place to Find
>inspiring topics > things you do in your daily life > share and read other peoples experiences and life adventures >
Blogging is a world of new shared knowledge and involvement in the blogging and internet community where it’s always at the hand of the Blog Creator to bring you something new. and are always open on one tab of my browser for the reference tools and not wanting to screw up to much in my writing...

I when I am working on a blog is a great time to check the website out
Ways I to Use It to Benefit My Writing
>prevent repeating words >help use words correctly >checking grammar >helpful with punctuation

With today’s technology, I have to admit I'm included in this, grammar is on the side line while writing because of the shorthand we use during Text Messaging & Emails it's easy to just continue those habits. I try to use grammar correctly in my daily writing, because to me it helps portray the message across more efficiently. is a very effective resource to help with this; it has many essential sources of information to guide easily and successfully in your writing.

I personally use Google Search engine. Google is the main search engine in most corporations and has reliable resources when researched correctly.
Other Search Engines include:
>Bing >Yahoo>ASK >MSN >and many others.
I Use Google:
>for the main reason that all of my accounts I use multiple times a day are linked through Google like; >Gmail >G-Drive >YouTube >Blogger >Play Store, >G-Calendar >G-Maps.
My Daily Quote
“Google It”
Whenever a friend, coworker, family member or I have a question that I or anyone is unsure on or need “proof” mainly to prove you are right, I say “Google It”.  "Google it" is one of my favorite and most common phrases, it’s simple and answers everything no matter what the question is you type it into Google and with the right research you will get the correct answer.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and about my websites.
Please comment below, any feedback, your top websites, or your thoughts on the websites I use.
 If you post a site or blog I will work on exploring them and write a short review of the website or blog in my upcoming blogs!

Happy Searching and have a great web surfing weekend!


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